Lois wins WOW Women in Creative Industries Award for Fighting the Good Fight!
/Lois Weaver and Amy Lamé, photo by Alice Boagey. WOW Women in Creative Industries Awards at Southbank Centre's WOW Women of the World festival, 7-11 March 2018
On 7th March 2018 Lois was awarded WOW Women in Creative Industries Award for Fighting the Good Fight. The Fighting the Good Fight award is 'in recognition of a woman who has demonstrated great tenacity and on-going commitment to excellence within the creative industries'. Lois is honoured to have received the award.
"I was so sure that I wouldn't win I didn't prepare a speech. What I did manage to say is that those of us who are out there fighting in all of our big and small ways don't often stop to think of it as the 'good fight' and in fact we are extremely privileged to be able to think of our struggles as 'good fights' when so many women are actually fighting for their lives.
I want to share the award and anything I could with those women everywhere!"